
Read from STDIN

$ emacs --insert <(echo 'hello world')
$ emacs --insert <(cat ~/.bash_profile)
$ emacs --insert <(bin/rails routes --controller=articles)
script by twb on #emacs IRC channel
#!/bin/bash -e

# Example usage:
#   curl http://example.net/mbox | with-temp-file mutt -f
#   curl http://example.net/     | with-temp-file browser
#   curl http://example.net/     | with-temp-file emacs

test $# -gt 0 ||
exit 1

f="`mktemp -t with-temp-file.XXXXXX`"

trap 'rm -f "$f"' EXIT

cat >"$f"

# less(1)-style tty grabber.
exec </dev/tty || true

# subshell to avoid "w-t-f unset f" not reaping
("$@" "$f")

twb user says:

I was doing it once for the purposes of making alias ed="emacs -batch -f ed-mode"