Exercism Solutions

Notes on multiple solutions

I like to try multiple solutions and multiple approaches when solving a particular problem. For this reason, I like to name my solution files with suffixes like _v1 and _v2, etc.

When submitting solutions, one must edit .exercism/config.json and correctly set the files.solution property to point to the latest solution we want to submit.


NOTE: This is a work in progress.

Exercism Scheme challenges are supposed to work with Chez or Guile. To make them work with Chicken Scheme, a few changes are necessary:

  • Replace (import (rnrs)) …​ (import (scheme))…​.

Exercism has two basic types of exercises:

  • Learning exercises (which don’t provide or refer to a difficulty level).

  • Challenges, which can be of difficulty level easy, medium or hard.

The page title should contain the main exercise or challenge type. The page-subtitle attribute shall be of the form “Exercism [Easy|Medium|Hard] <type> :: <language>”. Note that the difficulty level is used only if the type is challenge.

The link for the learning or exercise should be a single list element of the form:

* link:<URL>[<name> Exercism [easy|medium|hard] <language> <challenge | learning exercise>.

Example for a learning exercise:

= Amusement Park
:page-subtitle: Exercism Learning Exercise :: Ruby

* link:<url>[Amusement Park Exercism Ruby learning exercise].

Example for a challenge:

= Meetup
:page-subtitle: Exercism Easy Challenge :: Ruby

* link:<url>[Meetup Exercism easy Ruby challenge].

These command line oneliners can help us see the links that follow the pattern described above:

$ grep --color -r '\* link.*' | sed 's/^[^[]\+//g'

[Amusement Park Improvements Ruby learning exercise^].
[Microwave Exercism easy Ruby challenge^].
[Lasagna Exercism Ruby learning exercise^].
[Amusement Park Exercism Ruby learning exercise^].
[Meetup Exercism easy Ruby challenge^].
[Acronym Exercism easy Ruby challenge^].
[Resistor Color Duo Exercism easy Ruby challenge^].

$ grep --color -r '\* link.*' | sed 's/^[^[]\+//g' | grep 'Exercism.*learning'

[Amusement Park Improvements Exercism Ruby learning exercise^].
[Lasagna Exercism Ruby learning exercise^].
[Amusement Park Exercism Ruby learning exercise^].

$ grep --color -r '\* link.*' \
    | sed 's/^[^[]\+//g' \
    | grep 'Exercism \(easy\|medium\|hard\).*challenge'

[Microwave Exercism easy Ruby challenge^].
[Meetup Exercism easy Ruby challenge^].
[Acronym Exercism easy Ruby challenge^].
[Resistor Color Duo Exercism easy Ruby challenge^].

VSCode Snippets

A VSCode snippet for a learning exercise:

	"Exercism learning exercise": {
		"prefix": "exercismle",
		"body": [
			"= $1",
			":page-subtitle: Exercism Learning Exercise :: ${2:language}",
			":page-tags: ${5:tags}"
			":favicon: https://fernandobasso.dev/cmdline.png",
			":icons: font",
			":toclevels: 6",
			":toc: left",
			"* link:${3}[$1 Exercism ${4:difficulty} ${2:language} learning exercise^]",